ARE YOU REAdy to expand your borders?

‘Jabez cried out to God…saying: “Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory! Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from the evil one.” And God granted his request.’ 1 Chronicles 4:9-10

Transitioning from Lawyer to Luxury Travel Advisor wasn’t easy (some said I was crazy), but I knew I wanted to continue to help people, and like Jabez, enlarge my territory. I believe our travel desires are a catalyst for our spiritual evolution. We are drawn to destinations because they hold tremendous lessons and gifts for us and the people we interact with…..we are meant to go!

My mission is to energize you to travel and Expand Your Borders….and fall more deeply in love with Our World, while deepening your spirituality.

I do this in several ways: designing bespoke trips at my luxe boutique travel firm, mentoring people (ten years of counseling Clients as an attorney enabled me to swiftly recognize issues and assist in finding viable solutions) to remove obstacles and embrace their success, and by sharing my pillar program called EXPAND YOUR BORDERS (program is being updated - watch for re-release).

Keep scrolling down to see my offerings, or click Learn More to find out about bespoke coaching opportunities. You’ll soon learn why my clients call me their Wanderess Host®. Email too! joanne@joannesocha.com or travelfarandwell.com

And please sign up at the bottom of this page for bi-weekly exclusive travel insights and inspiration from Joanne, Your Wanderess Host®. Contact me at joanne@joannesocha.com or travelfarandwell.com

As seen in

What i offer


Your Wanderess Host®

Joanne is passionate about inspiring and curating global trips for clients based upon her own journeys. Her boutique travel company, Travel Far & Well LLC, of Manchester-By-The-Sea considers the world its headquarters. Let’s collaborate on your dreams…..


The Red Bandanna Travel Book

Go on a healing travel journey with Joanne as she teaches you how to pack up your troubles and leave them on the tarmac. Her book guides you through the backstory of your travel yearnings and inhibitions and helps you set your course for seeing the world.


Boutique 1-1 Coaching

Desiring a mid-life metamorphosis? Do you dream of turning your life’s mission into a second or third act career, but crave support and guidance to launch? Or are fearful thoughts about traveling holding you back? I’ll support you in implementing your travel and life vision with tangible results. I offer a variety of 1 on 1 coaching options to choose from, empowering you to change your life….and expand your world!


I’m excited to share my highly successful signature pillar program that will support you in expanding your territory and traveling the world. I well know the challenges of surmounting real and imagined obstacles in the way of taking trips, and the desire to deepen upcoming adventures. I share my life-changing proprietary framework with you.  It is easy and fun to follow, and I’ll be with you every step of the way as you travel through your life transitions.

Your Wanderess Host®

Expand Your World One Wander at a Time!

A Sampling OF articles

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5 Steps In My Turning Point: How I Twirled My Way Into A New Career.

Click on the image to read this article.


Spiritual Souvenirs From The Kumano Kodo Trail.

Click on the image to read this article.